Year 5 Classes
The documents below contain information about what is covered in year 5
- Curriculum Overview
- End of Year Expectations
- Year five Maths overview
- Year 5 science overview
- PSHE/RSE- Jigsaw overview
- Year group core texts
- Year 5 reading and writing expectations
- Music overview
- Computing Overview
- Geography overview
- History overview
- Nelmes Primary Enrichment Offer
P E Days
5A- Monday and Thursday
5S - Wednesday and Thursday
Click below for other information you may find useful:
Well being support for children and families
To ask questions, make general enquiries or share information with your child's teacher please email on:
Click on the links below to visit websites that can support your child's learning at home:
Click on this link to be taken to the Children's page where you can find more suggestions.