Nelmes Primary School

Opportunities for Achievement

Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3BX

01708 447676

Self BeliefPerseveranceResiliencePatience Aspiration

The Rainbow


The Rainbow is a SEND unit for 12 pupils who with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and communication and interaction needs. The Rainbow provides a bespoke learning environment for the children, with a curriculum tailored to meet their needs.  

 A wide range of activities such as Attention Autism, Lego therapy and Intensive interaction are used to develop the children’s speech and language and social communication. There are regular visits and advice from outside agencies including Speech and Language therapists and Educational Psychologists.



We aim to provide a high quality, effective and inclusive additional provision which would allow opportunities for all children to achieve, regardless of their starting point.  We will develop the children’s educational and personal potential in a safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment. 


The Rainbow at  Nelmes enables pupils to have access to a balanced curriculum in the specialised setting and mainstream class with their peers. The aims are:

  • For all pupils to make good progress and achieve their potential.
  • To provide support and a curriculum appropriate to their cognitive levels of development.
  • To meet the EHCP objectives for their pupils.

To ensure that the autistic pupils are able to work alongside their peers and other staff in the school, The Rainbow has the following organisational aims:

  • Provide a highly structured teaching environment.
  • Work in partnership with parents.
  • Work in partnership with external support, professionals and therapists.


The documents contain information about the curriculum in The Rainbow: 


 P E Day




To ask questions, make general enquiries or share information with your child's teacher please email on:





Applications to The Rainbow must be made through the Havering Assessment and placement team or the CAD team. 


Havering Local Offer


For information about the Information, Advice and Support Service for Parents in Havering please click here. Or you can contact them on: 01708 433885  Email

SENDiass Digital information leaflet 


Click below for other information you may find useful: 

On line safety

Safeguarding at Nelmes 

Well being support for children and families 

Para Music Session 6th April  2022

Time team and Para Music 

On Line safety for children with SEND